20 август, 2024

Westminster 2024

Westminster, ponedeljak 13. 5. 2024.

Rezultati u Toy grupi:

Mali italijanski hrt:
BOB: Selah Chiaroscuro (Nautica Wildhart An American Romance x Selah London Fog), rođen 17. 6. 2021, SAD.

Selah Chiaroscuro

Rezultati u Hound grupi po rasama:

Avganistanski hrt:

BOB & BOG: Sunlit's King Of Queens (Agha Djari's Fifth Dimension Of Sura x Sunlit's Queen Of Everything), rođen 26. 1. 2018.

Sunlit's King Of Queens


BOB: Lex Ayur-es-Sahel (Ennehadh Kel Dahoussahaq Of Lightfoot x Eidi n'Amanar Jana), rođen 25. 5. 2022, SAD.

Lex Ayur-es-Sahel

Ruski hrt:

BOB: Horse And Hound Full Of Hope (Konza-Plum Creek Bugatti At Elance x Horse And Hound Paimpont), rođena 1. 7. 2017, SAD.

Horse And Hound Full Of Hope

Veliki engleski hrt:

BOB: Sobers Hazelyn (Sobers Gaston x Sobers Devlyn), rođena 18. 5. 2022.

Sobers Hazelyn

Irski vučiji hrt:

BOB: Edgewood Deyci Crown Jewel Keepsake (New Yorker Prince Ionmhain Norman x Nunneleys Keeper Ireland Of Berry Hill), rođena 3. 3. 2020.


BOB: Phaeton Nightingale Of Allihan (Sharwassim Chawki x Aziz Reatha Allihan), rođena 8. 3. 2022.

Škotski hrt:

BOB: Chase Farm Diamonds On The Inside (Lehigh Ingram x Chase Farm Dhu Mohr Summer Moonlight Garden), rođena 22. 5. 2020, vlasnik: Johanna Hanson, SAD.


BOB: Itri Ocerico (Sowan x Charda)rođen 27. 3. 2020.

Itri Ocerico


BOB & BOG2: Pinnacle Garden Party (Bo-Bett's Pajama Party x Longlesson Girl Who Drank The Moon), rođena 26. 10. 2021, SAD.

Pinnacle Garden Party

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